Regulating FaceBook?
Regulatory control
We all learned in school about the branches of government, how there is a legislative branch that makes the laws, an executive branch that enforces the passed laws and a judicial branch that interprets how the law applies. The reality is that more and more, the legislative branch creates executive bodies with broad goals and allows them to make up their own rules on how to achieve those goals. They are sometimes even given their own review panels that bypass the courts! These bureaucrats are not elected by the people and don’t answer to you. Legislators get to play both sides of the fence where they can both take credit and distance themselves from bad decisions.
Agencies should only enforce laws passed by the legislatures and the legislators should be responsible for their decisions. As your representative, I will not vote for any law that allows anyone in an unelected position to be able to create regulations that affect your life. Take back control of your government and vote Libertarian this November!
Profit vs safety
It's not in a company's best interest to KILL ITS CUSTOMERS.
Posted by Mises Institute on Friday, April 6, 2018